Department of Burn & Plastic Surgery
Burn and Plastic Surgery is a super specialized branch of Surgery. Posts of this department in Mymensingh Medical College were created on 2011. Department started running from 28/02/2015 as specialized doctors were posted. Initially hospital services of the department were combined with Surgery Department. In that time gradually hospital structure was arranged by 10 bedded male ward (In old ICU of MMCH in 2nd floor of OT complex during National crisis of Hartal victim of Burn), 4 bed in female ward (Pocket room in Female Surgery Ward - 11) and there was no specific child bed but child patients were managed in Ward no 26 (Paediatrics Surgery Ward). But from December 2016 the Department started to run independently as a separate Ward was allocated in the new building of MMCH with a separate, dedicated operation theatre. Although the Government allocated bed was 20, we are currently running with 32 beds, of which 12 are male, 10 female and 10 children. We have an average patient load of 70-80/day. The Ward no. is 34 and is located on the 2nd floor of the new building (OPD building). Majority of the patients that we deal are Burn patients. Other patients are referred from different disciplines e.g. Surgery, Paediatrics Surgery, Orthopedics, Eye, ENT, Gynaecology, Neuromedicine etc.
Academic activities:
- There is scheduled Lecture class and ward placement for 5th year MBBS students.
- There is also placement of Phase A and Phase B trainee residents of post graduate students
Working schedule:
- Schedule OT: Monday and Thursday
- OPD: Tuesday (Now running in the room no 248, 1st floor of new building)
- Regular morning session on Wednesday
- Regular round for indoor patients
- Regular referral consultation of different disciplines
- We are grateful to the Surgery Dept. and Paediatrics Surgery Dept. for admission and management of acute Burn patients for initial management.
Special Notes:
- There is a project for Separate Burn Unit development in MMCH under MOHFW which is under construction
Schedule of class hour of different courses
Serial | Research Title | Name of Researcher |
1 | Posterior Tibial Artery Perforator Based Propeller Flap for Lower Leg and Ankle Defect coverage: A Prospective Observational Study | *Dhar LK1, Talukder A2, KaiserA3, Razia S4, Jahan I5, Islam MS6 |
2 | Crane Principle in Plastic Surgery- Experience in Mymensingh Medical College Hospital | *Dhar LK1, Razia S2, Kaiser A3, Talukder A4 |
Our Faculty Members
Dr. Liman Kumar Dhar
Associate Professor
Department of Burn & Plastic Surgery
Contact No.: 01735198433
Dr. Tanmoy Prakash Ghosh
Assistant Professor
Department of Burn & Plastic Surgery
Contact No.: 01723929007

Dr. Ishrat Jahan
Assistant Professor
Department of Burn & Plastic Surgery
Contact No.: 01911018439